kumpulan sms romantis

Love me with a simple and hate me with a simple
When you know the answer maybe you will mengereti
if this test

Love is present not to have,,
but deposited in the liver to be maintained,,
when we can maintain that grace,,

One time, we will realize that we too in love ..

If the stored liver flavor,,
for what is a lie,,
only because, unable to say,,
everything was gone, and ended with regret.

Love is like a precious item,,
we fit her anymore sayang2 tiba2 she goes ..
and when searched hard to find ..

If you're sad, this shoulder is ready for you to borrow pobud ..
If you're happy,, these lips are ready to participate tersenyaum pobud ..
because when any kind, I would pobud ready for you ..

Love is only special,
when you give to someone who deserved it ..
because love is not looking for someone who is perfect,
but finding someone who can make you perfect ..

Rangkulah people you love, when he was still by your side ..
hug him, while still with you ..
because we'll realize,,
how much it meant he was when he was gone for good ..

True happiness is,,
comes not when we get people we love ..
but true happiness is,,
when we are willing to make sacrifices,, yield, and suffer for him ..

The memory can not dilupain,,
but can only be eliminated, it also created temporary ..
because on one day, sometimes we remember him again, and it is fair ..
but we have to assume it's just not a hope of memories ..

Make yourself like the stars in the sky,
though far away, he remained there ..
although sometimes disappears, he still glowing ..
can not be owned, but could not be forgotten ..
pobud exist in the hearts forever ..

Love do not always cry, and also do not always laugh ..
but love is,,
when you miss him, and wanted him there with you .. pobud

When sadness fills hari2mu .. when tears rolling down your cheeks,,
let me know ..
because at that time I wanted to be near you,,
because I want to be someone who is meant for you ..

When you love and menyanyangi benar2 someone ..
do not ever make him cry, make him always smiling ..
because,, you would never know, just how valuable he is ..
before you lose him .. benar2

Why to be one of happiness, there must be sacrifice ..
why to be able to smile, there must be tears ..
why to be united, there must be separation ..
why to menyanyangi, there must be lost ..
why ..?

Love is understanding, when you say "I forgot"
wait, when you say "Coming yach"
Strengthening,, when you say "I'm ga could again"
and smiled, before you say "I maafin yach .."

When love must end with the pain ..
do not ever regret with a meeting ..
karna ..
person who made you sad ..
is a person who never makes you happy ..

When love knocked on the door of the heart ..
nothing can be done, except to talk with small hearts ..
when love came and went without a word ..
nothing can be spoken, except drop tears ..

Courtly love is ..
The love that dare to fly, although tau will fall ..
Dared to hope, although tau will be disappointed ..
Dare to love, although tau would hurt ..
and brave sacrifice, although tau will be in vain ..

As long as you love a person with a sincere ..
Never assume that you feel sore it hurts ..
But make it a sacrifice ..
Karna sincere love that never expect anything .. ga

True love is ..
When you menitikan tears for him when he loves someone else,,
and you still can smile and say "I'm happy for you" ..

If you love someone, love with a simple ..
Karna probably would be a most you hate ..
And if you hate someone, hate simply too ..
Karna will probably be the most you love ..

Our compassion can be seen,,
when someone we love can understand our feelings ..
Compassion would be lost,,
when someone we care about disappointing and ga never actually understood what we feel ..

What makes us sad is that,
see our loved loved someone else ..
but there are things more pathetic is that,
see the people we care about our loved pura2, just to make us smile ..

Remove from someone, that does not mean hating ..
Apart from the people we love, that does not mean the hurt ..
Apart from those we love,, then we must begin to struggle to smile again ..

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